Whale Shark Swim

Informazioni generali

Los Cabos, MessicoAttrazioni/Intrattenimento

Il programma nel dettaglio

Live the fearsome-sounding experience of a lifetime and swim with harmless giant whale sharks in their own natural habitat. In this four-hour trip you’ll sail from Los Cabos accompanied by marine naturalists and then swim in the Sea of Cortez as close as you dare to these docile, gentle giants, in a truly memorable activity.

Whale sharks come to the warm waters off Baja California in the winter months to feed on the teeming plankton. The Cortez is one of the few places in the world where you can get up close to these giant fish, which are known to grow up to 13 metres long.

Board the boat at La Paz Bay and along the way to the point of immersion; keep a look out for the amazing variety of wildlife that makes this area their home, including whales, manta rays and dolphins. You’ll come face to face with these wonderful creatures. You cannot fail to be amazed by their sheer size and gentle grace as you swim alongside the whale sharks and learn all about their feeding habits from your expert naturalist guide.

These giants of the sea may look imposing but they are actually gentle and in no way dangerous toward divers. See how the whale sharks slowly glide through the water in search of the tiny plankton and krill that they feed on. Swim slowly ear the surface with these docile creatures, which will allow you to approach them without risk. Following your swim, enjoy a delicious lunch on board before sailing back to Los Cabos.

Meeting/pick-up point: Collection from hotels.
Duration: Three-and-a-half hours.
Start/opening time: 10.30am and 4.30pm.
Languages: Spanish and English.