Early Booking Offer: Chapultepec Castle and Museum of Anthropology

Informazioni generali

Mexico City, MessicoVisite guidate

Il programma nel dettaglio

Do not imagine, come and live the experience of visiting one of the few castles in a large city such as the City of Mexico. Chapultepec Castle houses the acquis historical most representative of Mexico through times like the conquest, the empire, independence and revolution.

Meet life Emperor Maximilian of Hapsburg behind these rooms decorated with classical European ornamentation. Walk the halls full of light, stairs made of marble, admiring the sculptures and busts of historical characters, like the emperor Cuauhtémoc and Hernán Cortés.

After visiting the unmissable National Museum of History or better known as Chapultepec Castle, we will stop for lunch and continue to the famous National Museum of Anthropology. One of the most important Latin America rooms housing the evidence Pre-Hispanic Mexica, Maya, Toltec and more country ethnic cultures over time.

Meeting/pick-up point: Pick up at the hotel.

Duration: 6.5 hours.

Start/opening time: From Tuesday to Sunday at 7:30am.

Languages: English and Spanish.