Learn to Scuba Dive


Общая информация

Nassau, Багамы

Детали программы

Sign up to this introduction to Scuba Diving course, designed especially for those who want to try scuba diving for the first time. In just 3 hours our professional instructors will have you diving with them on a beautiful tropical reef.

Your program begins with a short presentation that teaches you about the basics of diving, followed by practicing scuba diving skills in a pool or shallow beach area. Then it’s onto a boat for your first dive on a shallow reef. During this dive your instructor will guide you on your first introduction to the Bahamas’ magnificent underwater world.

Start/opening time:

Morning tour: between 7:45am and 8:40am

Afternoon tour between 11:45am and 12:40pm


English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian


Trip includes dive equipment (except wetsuit which is available to rent).

Participants cannot be: pregnant, asthmatic, epileptic, diabetic; and with no personal history of heart attacks or heart problems, strokes, recently diagnosed High Blood pressure, no antidepressant medications or other potential contraindicated medications, or problems equalizing your ears on an airplane or in the mountains.