Tokyo at Night with E-Bike to Tokyo Sky Tree


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Tokyo, Япония

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This time we will cycle around these places such as Nihonbashi, Tsukishima, Harumi Wharf. etc. It is a short night tour which will take 3 hours.

There are plenty of beautiful nightscapes and illuminations.The night view of Tokyo Tower and the scenery that makes you want to climb it is also beautiful.However, the night view I like the most in Tokyo is the night view seen from Harumi Wharf in Koto-ku. It is a fantastically beautiful, truly wonderful night view with nature and city harmonized. It is really breathtaking. I definitely think that it is the best spot in Tokyo.

Not only is the nature wonderful but the city light illuminations in major cities are amazingly beautiful! you are one of those people that has just arrived in Tokyo with time to kill or want to spend your remaining time in Japan doing some unique sightseeing or happen to enjoy night views, this tour is perfect for you! Harumi Wharf is a place where traffic is a bit inconvenient, so there are few tourists! It is a hidden gem.

Come with me and let’s go see the most fantastic night scenery of Tokyo by e-bike together! The night view with harmony between city and nature creates a unique and wonderful experience in Tokyo.