Stockholm City Walk - Small Group


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Стокгольм, Швеция

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Once upon a time, there was a charming neighbourhood with cosy, old buildings lining the streets. City-folk scurried down the cobblestoned streets on their way to and from work while mouthwatering scents floated out the doors of bakeries. And then came Godzilla… just kidding! Today nothing of this district reminiscent of the Old Town exists. Instead, we have modern city-centre with high-rises (okay, maybe not high based on your standards, but for us they are!) and a patchwork of bustling city streets.

Join us on our Stockholm City Walk, where we will discover why this district was modernised, who calls this home today (or will one day) and where many people shop at the exclusive stores. We will meander our way through the city-centre checking out highlights such as the Stockholm Concert Hall, home of the Nobel Prize Ceremony; Norrmalmstorg, where a term in psychology was coined; and the Royal Dramatic Theatre, where famous Swedish actors like Skarsgård (which one? There's a whole troop of them!) galavant across one of the theatre’s many stages.

We end this tour – once we’ve covered this plus the topics of famous Swedes (you would be surprised how many there are considering the population!) – in Kungsträdgården, a stone’s throw from the Old Town (and just in time to join us on an Old Town Walk if you fancy!).

