Experience Xalapa with a Rich Coffee Flavour

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Веракруз, Мексика

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Fall in love with Xalapa and its coffee aroma Xalapa, capital city of the state of Veracruz, full of flowers and culture in every corner, here we will take a panoramic tour in the center of the city, knowing its lakes, alleys and beautiful buildings that will surely surprise you. Then we will enter the Anthropology Museum, the second most important in the country where the heritage of the three cultures that were founded in the state is kept: Olmeca, Totonaca and Huasteca, a journey through our past to understand our present. The tour continues through the coffee plantations on the outskirts of the city, green and mountainous roads that will fill you with charm, to finally reach the coffee museum and learn all the secrets of that wonderful drink, its harvest, its process, its roasting, all until you get to enjoy its unmistakable aroma and flavor in a magnificent cup of coffee.

Guide languages: Spanish and English