Antsirabe, Highlands Typical Town

Antsirabe Rickshaw
Antsirabe Rickshaw
Rice Field
Rice Field

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2 дня и 1 ночь
Мадагаскар (Antananarivo)
Мадагаскар (Antananarivo)


Antsirabe is the third largest city in Madagascar and has a population of approximately 183,000. Due to its high altitude (about 1 500 m) temperatures are rather cool and very cool in winter! The template climate was probably the reason why Norwegian missioners chose this place to settle down in 1872. Its name means “where there is salt” honouring the large number of hot springs the town has, a fact that has given the city the nickname of “Malagasy Vichy”. The thermal baths had been long appreciated for their curative effects by the local population when French colonists decided to locate a thermal bath here in the 19th century. 

Hotels, gardens, a train station and a post office followed providing the city a new “belle époque” look that is still well preserved in the architecture. Besides the common hot springs, there is also a sparkling mineral water which the famous “three horses beer is made of. In the distance, the white cotton flowers remind us which industry has made the region famous. Antsirabe is also the capital of rickshaws, which are still widely used by the entire population.

The best way to get confident with the city is walking its streets, an activity that can be done here without any fear, since the city is quite safe. The compact city centre with its nice mixed architecture of different styles invite visitors for a walk. In the European district French cottage-style houses are built next to Scandinavian villas with English style gardens. The tree-lined avenues always give some freshness whenever the sun is too bright. And whenever your feet don't suffice, nothing like hiring a rickshaw.

Note: airport transfer and pick up are upon request at the time of booking with additional charge.

- Couleur Café (Boutik)
- Le Royal Palace (3*)


1° Giorno: ANTANANARIVO > ANTSIRABE (170 km – circa 04 ore)
Partenza in mattinata per un tour di circa quattro ore lungo la Strada Statale n° 7 attraverso splendidi paesaggi di risaie e villaggi tipici delle Highlands; all'arrivo check-in in hotel; pranzo in ristorante; nel pomeriggio visita del caratteristico paese e le loro botteghe artigiane; in serata cena e pernottamento in hotel.

2° Giorno: ANTSIRABE > ANTANANARIVO (170 km – circa 04 ore)
Dopo la prima colazione in hotel visita del caratteristico "Tsena", il mercato, a incontrare i popoli locali provenienti dai dintorni e scoprire tutti i prodotti della regione; alla fine rientro ad Antananarivo; sosta in Ambatolampy per il pranzo in ristorante e per visitare gli artigianiche costruiscono oggetti di alluminio.

Цена включает

- Trasporto privato con autista di lingua francese
- Guida turistica interprete (richiedi la lingua) e guide locali
- Pensione completa dal pranzo del 1° giorno al pranzo dell'ultimo giorno incluso
- Hotel e tasse locali

Цена не включает

- Bevande, mance e tutto extra
- Tutto quanto non espressamente indicato nel programma e nei “Servizi Inclusi"


День На ночь Itinerary highlights
1 Antananarivo   Antananarivo - Ivato International Airport (TNR)
  Antananarivo - Hotel Lobby
2   Antananarivo

Accommodations provided in each place

To be advised