Ethnographic hiking in Lanzarote

General information

Lanzarote, SpainSightseeing Tours

Program details

Discover the ethnography of Lanzarote with these two routes:
Caves and wine tasting route

The tour starts in Masdache, where we enjoy a route that has history, volcanoes, nature, agriculture and much ethnography. We walk through pahoehoe lava flows of the eruptions of 1730-1736, with very characteristic forms.

We begin the ascent to the volcano Juan Bello. We can identify plant species endemic ("bejeques, Veroles and acebuches – wild olive tree-), ways to capture and use of water, and wonderful landscapes. We see "cazoletas" –Cupmarks-. Are spherical incisions as deposits, interconnected where any liquid spills, used as an offering to the gods. If the date allows us, due to the protection of bird nesting season, walk around inside a volcanic cave with large cavities and special items such as “estafilitos” –Lava stalactites. We end with a wine and typical products from Lanzarote tasting.

Cochineal and Volcano of Corona route

We will go to the village of Mala. There, we make a guided tour about the processes of cultivating the “Tuneras, Nopal or Prickly Pear Cactus”, and breeding of cochineal, used to make carmine. From there, we go to Ye, receiving explanations and visiting of the most characteristic features that we find our way, as several natural Jameos.

We will make an ascent of “La Corona” volcano, with an estimated age of 21,000 years. “La Corona” formed the lava tunnel that created “Los Jameos del Agua” and “La Cueva de Los Verdes”, and is 7.5 km long. Among other plant species, we find the "Orchilla" or Roccella canariensis, lichen used formerly to produce purple dye, and the whole area called "Tabaibal". One of the most beautiful “Tabaibales” of the Canary Islands. From there, we move to the “Risco de Famara”, near the Mirador del Rio, where besides enjoying the views it offers over the archipelago Chinijo , we can enter into numerous batteries of the 2nd World War, but they really were built during the War of Cuba in the XIX century, of Spain versus USA. It’s curious, Right?

Meeting/pick-up point: pick-up from hotels in Puerto del Carmen and Playa Blanca between 8.30am and 9.30am.

Duration: Five hours.

Start/opening time: At 9.30am.

End/closing time:

Languages: English and Spanish. Other languages upon request.

Others: Not recommended for children under 8 years.