Southern fascinating

General information

La Palma, SpainSightseeing Tours

Program details

Explore the breathtaking landsacpes of the southern half of La Palma in this full day excursion by luxury air-conditioned bus. Vist the spiritual centre of the island and learn all about traditional crafts. Marvel at the spectacular Caldera de Taburiente, like something out of the Land That Time Forgot and the unearthly volcanic landscapes around Fuencaliente, where you can look down on an area of still smoking volcanoes that only emerged from the ocean forty years ago.

We'll start by making the climb up to the Sanctuary of Nuestra Señora de las Nieves, the patron saint of the island. We'll visit the 16th Century Chapel with its beautiful carved wooden roof. Inside you can admire the sold silver altar and the image of the Virgin herself, subject of great devotion by the local people. Next stop is Villa Mazo where you can admire a workshop where pottery is till made in the traditional way.

One of the highlights of the tour has to be the view from the impressive crater of the San Antonio Volcano. Look down onto the Teneguia Volcano, the source of the last volcanic eruption on Spanish soil back in 1971. The landscape here is incredible, a dantesque vision of the earth as it must have been in its infancy, countless millions of years ago.

From here we'll continue to the very heart of La Palma, the breathtaking Caldera de Taburiente. From the summit of La Cumbrecita enjoy stunning views 1000m down to the floor of the caldera, measuring almost 10km across. We'll take a walk down to the Mirador del las Chozas enjoying amazing views across to Roque Idafe and down to the Taburiente River and the Barranco de Las Angustias. A day that is sure to linger in your memory for years to come.

Meeting/ pick up point: Hotel pick up.
Duration: 8 hours.
Start or opening time: Fuencaliente 8.30am, Puerto Naos, 9am Cancajos 10am.
Languages: German, Spanish and Dutch.