Gaudí crypt and Güell colony

General information

Barcelona, SpainAttractions/Entertainment

Program details

Come with us and discover Gaudi's hidden treasure. The crypt at the Colonia Guell will give you a fascinating insight into the mind of this great visionary architect. Learn all about this mind-boggling structure with an informative audio-guide and map. It was here that Gaudi had his laboratory for the design and construction of his masterwork, the Basilica of the Sagrada Family. The Colonia Guell itself is a model factory settlement dating from the late 19th Century, built by Gaudi's wealthy patrons, the Guell family.

The crypt is part of an unfinished project for the construction of a church at the Colonia Guell. It was here that Gaudi brought all his architectural innovations together for the first time. You will see how he managed to create a massive space in the central nave without using buttresses or supporting walls. Admire how the building is integrated into the surrounding hillside through the intelligent use of natural materials and colours. The whole site was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985.

The Colonia Guell is also worth a visit. The complex was built by the wealthy textile manufactures, the Guell family and you will find farmhouses, a school, a theatre, a doctor's surgery, the workers dwellings and the factory itself. The whole complex was designed and built by moderniste architects using a combination of traditional Catalan architecture and the incorporation of new techniques and materials such as wrought iron and ceramic trencadis.

Start or opening time: 10am.
End or closing time: Summer 7pm. Saturday, Sundays and bank holidays 3pm. Winter 5pm.
Languages: Catalan, Spanish, English, French, German, Italian and Japanese
Others: Audioguide, admission to the Centro de Interpretacion and map included.