Warsaw Jewish Heritage - Private Tour

General information

Warsaw, Poland

Program details

Prior to the Second World War, Warsaw had the largest Jewish community throughout Europe. The Jews took a big part in the Polish uprisings alongside The Varsovians in their battle against the powers that be. When the Jews made their way to Warsaw they brought copious amounts of culture with them which has left its mark even until today. You’ll be taken on an emotional journey around the old parts of Warsaw where you’ll be faced with the harsh truths of what really went on during this dark time in history.

You will hear many a story about the courage and perseverance shown by so many people time and time again who were clinging on so tight to the little hope they had yet kept fighting irrespectively. Traipse around The Warsaw Jewish Cemetery which at over 83 acres is one of the largest Jewish cemeteries in Europe and in the whole world! You’ll stumble across over 250,000 marked graves. This cemetery was closed and reopened and is surprisingly still used until now by what’s left of Warsaw’s Jewish community.

Come to know about what was the biggest Jewish ghetto in Europe during World War 2 where more than 400,000 Jews were kept in just over a square mile of space. From this camp, the Jews were deported to Nazi camps and killing centres via Umschlagplatz - where you’ll head on over to. Out of these 400,000, it has been noted that 300,000 of them were murdered there and then whilst the vast majority of the others died later on due to extreme hunger and/or illnesses deriving from hunger.

Despite the tremendous tragedy, it’s not all doom and gloom! Keep your eyes and ears open as you hear all about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising where The Jews showed utmost bravery when they remarkably rebelled against the Germans. You shall get to see an abundance of monuments that commemorate the lives of those that stood up for what was right.


Confirmed: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian or Polish.

Under request and subject to availability: Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese, Swedish, Dutch and Finnish.