Off the beaten path trip in Warsaw


General information

Warsaw, Poland

Program details

A fascinating trip for people who are in Warsaw for the first or third time and they need something more than a regular tour!

This trip is for visitors who enjoy places away from the main tourist routes! We will take a look at the cities less known places, visit both banks of the Vistula river and discover many faces of the Polish capital city. We will ride a retro Polish Nysa 522 minivan. We will surprise our guests with little-known anecdotes about the history of the city and Poland. The companion of your adventure will be a professional and a little twisted local guide. We will start on Grzybowski Square, which is the epicenter of capital contrasts - from pre-war buildings, through relics of communism, to modern skyscrapers of the future.

We will discover the secrets of Warsaw courtyards, look at the gates to feel the breeze of another city, slightly hidden from the eyes of onlookers. We will get to know the places where Varsovians meet, we will see where hipsters and nature enthusiasts go to. The River Vistula will reveal its secrets - after all it is the queen of Polish rivers. The eastern part of the city is located on the right bank of the river - Warsaw's Praga district. We will touch the buildings that survived the war and we will stop for refreshments at the local bar. We guarantee a lot of laughter, no boredom and a bit of intrigue. The guide will present everything in the form of anecdotes that are easy to remember. See different faces of the city, experience new things, get ready for an adventure, a Warsaw adventure!


- City break

- Hidden Warsaw

- Places outside the typical tourist route

- A diverse city of contrasts

- Pre-war Warsaw

- Warsaw’s Vistula river

- Warsaw’s Praga district

- Tasting of Polish cuisine in the local bar

- Transportation: retro minibus

