Fighting Poland - Half-Day Tour


General information

Warsaw, Poland

Program details

Poland is known as a country of fighters for freedom and identity for long years.

You are in Warsaw now so you should learn more about Polish resistance & the underground of world war ii but also how the destiny of Poland looked like after the war and through years of socialists rules in Europe.

You will also learn about hard decades of partitions through the XIX century and what the Polish story looked like before the great war. This tour will uncover the beauty and price of freedom and will change your view of Polish history.

Visit a number of memorials with tombs of unknown soldiers or the great warsaw rising 44' monument so a monument to warsaw ghetto heroes. Your private guide with the driver will take you through the secrets of wars and untold facts with agreements, pacts and plans in the background. Finally, take a walk through one of the best museums in Poland - the museum of Warsaw Rising 1944' which is included in that tour.

This will be your unforgettable journey through the fighting Poland story.