Fishing and and Native Kitchen in Cartagena


General information

Cartagena, Colombia

Program details

Direct contact with the native population is the first step we will take this wonderful tour, you were in a town of Cartagena African fishermen and learn at the hands of local people, build fishing nets and cages crab close the place will be more local people doing the fishing activity, which for years is tradition within the population, for a few hours you will learn and practice fishing using the guide, you will have the best experience to the open sea where you explain what kind of fish or crustaceans collected and taking your network and different species of fish.

The joy of knowing this practice is then directed to the fishermen’s home cooking of typical food from Cartagena. Coconut rice and plantains accompany your dish, with every ingredient creating a delicious taste.

By participating in preparing your lunch, the tour is a unique encounter with the Cartagena gastronomy. Sharing the table with the family of fishermen will end a day of joy sharing Cartagena African culture and enjoying the beaches of the area.