Discover Koprivshtitsa and Plovdiv


General information

Sofia, Bulgaria

Program details

The tour has an intensive itinerary with an extended time for sightseeing. It’s an ideal way for people with limited time in Bulgaria to receive as much impressions as possible in just one day. Koprivshtitsa is a museum-city, boasting more than 300 well-preserved architectural, artistic, historical and ethnographical monuments from the Bulgarian Revival Period.

Our walking tour will be focused on the most representative house-museums, authentic crafts and ethnographic expositions. The afternoon will be dedicated to Plovdiv - one of the oldest towns in Europe and the second biggest in Bulgaria. We will walk on the narrow cobble streets to visit its iconic sights: the Roman Forum and Theater, Merchant houses from 19th century, the fortress of Nebet Tepe and St. Constantine and Helena Church.

The trip ends with free time for shopping on the main pedestrian street.

Tour with audioguide

Audioguide available in Italian and Spanish