Dolphins and Whales Watching


General information

Madeira, Portugal

Program details

Ready your sea legs and prepare for that special opportunity of sighting whales and dolphins in the ocean surrounding Madeira. A Portuguese island off the west coast of the country, nestled deep in the mid-Atlantic Ocean, Madeira is the perfect place to watch for these creatures in their own habitat. Climb aboard, for either a morning or afternoon cruise, and head out to see what you can see.

Aboard an amazing caravel ship that looks as if it's from days long ago, an impressive 23 meters in length, you'll set sail for a once in a lifetime experience. Built with sturdy wooden construction in the late 1990s, it's the perfect vessel for your excursion. The oceans just off Madeira drop off rapidly, reaching a depth of more than 3,000 metres. This creates a unique environment, ripe and teeming with creatures of the deep, right on the island's doorstep. Your trip, with the sole purpose of viewing marine life, will hopefully provide just that experience. Enjoy cruising and scanning the seas to catch dolphins at play, whales surfacing, or sea turtles swimming along. As these animals are being observed in their natural environment, no guarantees can be made of a sighting, but the attempt will surely be made. Take in all the beauty of your luscious surroundings and breathe in the fresh breeze coming off the water.

Dress the part and don't forget your camera as you'll want to capture and enjoy any momentous sightings off Madeira for a long time to come.


Multilingual Guide Spanish, Portuguese and English.