Immersive audio-walks Cartagena de Indias

General information

Cartagena, Colombia

Program details

Complement your tours with self-guided immersive audio-walks. Actors perform directly to traveller’s headsets to experience Magical realism. Travellers can live the legends and stories of the gem of the Caribbean - Cartagena de Indias. Whether they decide to explore the pirate tales and colonial stories, or get up close and personal with the ghosts of downtown, or listen to the stories narrated by the characters from the colonial past discovering the fortress, the republican architecture, or the different neighbourhoods and iconic places, we promise one thing: It will be an unforgettable journey filled with magic, history and Caribbean charm. Soundwalkrs has also partnered with many museums and monuments in this UNESCO heritage site, a perfect fit for travellers that purchase their ticket entrance to museums, they have no need for tour guides, just enjoy a soundwalk at their own pace.