Teotihuacan by Bicycle

General information

Mexico City, Mexico

Program details

Discovering Teotihuacan by bike means making the most out of everything that the place has to offer, like the architecture among other aspects, by visualizing the context of the locations of the Sun and Moon Pyramids, and the Avenue of the Dead. We will take a brief trip to the Pyramid of the Sun to become familiar with our bikes. We will also enter the archaeological zone very early in the morning to be the first ones to climb the temple of the sun, and to admire the incredible view of the Teotihuacan valley. We will ride around the pyramids in order to go through some streets that surround the archaeological zone, among which there are also remains of the ancient city where we can have the opportunity to visit and watch. The comments of our guide will help us better understand the history and how the population of this ancient city lived. On this route we will be able to take beautiful pictures of the landscape with nopales and magueyes, and of course, the pyramids in the background. We will then leave our bikes and have a brief recess while enjoying a tasty pulque, a prehispanic drink with a low graduation of alcohol, but very rich in proteins, which will provide us with the energy we need to continue our travel by bike. We will learn about the production process of this prehispanic drink, as well as the process of other variations and uses of the different parts of the agave traditionally known as maguey. The next place we will visit is an entrance to the spiritual underworld. Yes, we will visit a cave and surrender to the darkness that will allow us to see the light inside us. These caves were mystic çspaces for the ancient Teotihuacan people, symbolic for the Mesoamerican thinking, as an access to the place of the death. After that, we will head to a garden of cacti, where we can choose to complete this adventure by crossing a suspended bridge and zip lining down with the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon as background. Finally, we will visit Tetitla, a neighborhood from the ancient city of Teotihuacan, where we will appreciate interesting and colorful murals that will give us a better idea of how was the city like in its golden days. The last stop of our travel will be the Tlacaelel restaurant, where we can try delicious Mexican dishes (Food not included) in the buffet they offer. We will have an hour to relax and to enjoy the food before getting back to Mexico City.