Bordeaux and the Street Art by Bike

General information

Bordeaux, France

Program details

The pleasure of a bike tour to discover Bordeaux from a street art angle!

If the city of Bordeaux is world-famous for its wine, its historical and heritage character (with no less than 350 listed buildings, the largest urban ensemble recognised by UNESCO...), it is also beginning to stand out for its contribution to the small world of street art!

Indeed, more and more frescoes are appearing in Bordeaux under the impetus of various collectives (Full Color, Pôle Magnetic, the COX Gallery...) and independent artists who compete in originality and créativité.

Whether you are a street art lover or simply curious to discover this mode of expression that has been misunderstood or even despised for too long, it is by bike that we offer you a visit of Bordeaux placed under the sign of street art.

From work to work and from district to district, the itinerary will make a loop between the two banks of the Garonne, with a stop in Darwin: a sort of little Brooklyn that would have taken up residence in a former military barracks, in the heart of a 20,000 square metre wasteland. This ecological entity is home to businesses, associations, restaurants, an organic grocery store, an urban farm, a skatepark and... graffiti, of course. International artists such as Jeff Soto, Laurence Vallières or Bordalo II have already left their mark there!

The deciphering of street art works will be mixed with the pleasure of a relaxed bike ride in the heart of this sublime city of Bordeaux, a ride that your guide will feed, along the way, with anecdotes and good tips to share without moderation.